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How to create course category

In Academy, the admin can create the category and sub-category to filter the course easily. 

With this doc, we will help you to create the course category. 

To create a course category, you have to navigate:

  1. Log in to the admin panel.
  2. Select the “Course” option from the left menu.
  3. Click on the Course category” option from the sub-menu.
  4. Select the “Add new category” option.
Adding Course Category
Figure 1. Academy LMS Adding Course Category

In this new form, you have to provide:

  • Category code
  • Category name
  • Parent category
  • Icon picker 
  • Category thumbnail (You can choose from your device)

After that, select the “Submit” button to save your data.

Category Add Form Academy
Figure 2. Academy LMS Submitting Course Category 

To update or modify the category info, you have to select the “Edit” button from the category you want. 

Figure 3. Academy LMS Editing Course Category

After updating the provided info, you have to select the “Submit” button for confirmation.

Updated Category
Figure 4. Academy LMS Adding a Course Category

To Remove the category, you have to select the “Delete” button and select the “Continue” option for confirmation.